Quantum Physics and Yelm?  There’s a nice full-color ad in the paper as of Friday for a new film coming to the little independent Yelm, WA cinemas.  What caught my attention is that it’s a film about quantum physics.  The website is http://www.whatthebleep.com/home/ .  My first reaction: odd, why would a little town like Yelm get such a cool movie about quantum physics?  My second reaction: oooooh, that’s right.  Ramtha.

Ol JZ Knight has taken up home in Yelm.  What the heck does a channeling mystic have to do with quantum physics?  I guess it helps to explain how channeling happens.  I had no idea about the physics-Ramtha connection until I went Christmas shopping in Yelm back in 2002.  I went into a gift store, RIE or something like that, and in the midst of all this wonder Christmas décor and clothes and such, I stumbled into their book section and discovered a book I was currently reading, The Three Roads to Quantum Gravity.  How odd.  Someone in the gift store must have screwed up ordering that.

But then I discovered another quantum book I had, and more physics books.  And then a book I had always wanted but never could find.  It was like a dream come true.  Mesmerized, I wandered over to their full shelves and no doubt became slack-jawed as I saw all the best-of-the-best physics and quantum theory books neatly nestled together, shelf after shelf.

Heaven.  But then my WTF meter went off and I looked around and saw right after the books was the sermon tape section and Linda Evans pictures and Ramtha-this-that-and-the-other-thing.   Ooooooh.  Two plus two.

So I’d like to see this movie one day.  Maybe I’ll wait for it to come out on IFC or such.  Unless I find myself in Yelm, taking in the quantum scenery.


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