Cooper the pet goat has been getting stuck every day.  Stuck everyday with a shot of antibiotics.  Over a week ago, we called in the vet for a farm visit because Cooper (a Nubian goat) just wasn’t doing well at all (while Chongo the Toggenberg was running around and showing off).  Anyway, Cooper stopped eating and dropped a lot of weight, resulting in all sorts of bones sticking out of his skin.  So he (and Chongo) got de-wormed and I was given six shots of antibiotics to give Coop, one a day.  Sub dermal.   Meaning that each morning Elisa holds Cooper’s collar while I pinch his skin and *poke* him with the needle and press down on the plunger.  The antibiotic must have a molasses base because it’s pretty slow, meanwhile you have an antsy-goat none too happy to have a needle under his skin.

He’s still skinny, but he has started eating some again (grain and orchard grass hay) and his nose isn’t produce the vile gunk it had been.  I hope he pulls through.  This past year has just been too much to go through wrt animals on the farm.


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